
A frankenstein of lines and styles.

The story for the first figure (head):
They go to work, wait, and watch.
The day passes, months pass the same.
Their color fades, as time drifts.
They were left behind.
Bright orange to dull yellow, the sun won.

The story for the second figure (upper body - from Yiqing):
Struggling with life.
Doing absolutely nothing but stay home, watch TV, and eat pizza.

The story for the third figure (lower body - from Lauria):
Frederic was born on a plane in the hours of the day lost between time zones.
A solid foundation of cabbage and acute hearing has taken him far in life.
He works as a curator of garden art and has organized shows at some of the fanciest gardens in the world.

Design Process

They were strangers, until they weren't.

My group and I drew our characters and then spliced and combined their bodies. I used PNGs, and then added a mouse effect.


This figure is a combination of coneboy, a homebody, and a cryptic figure with cabbage feet.


This project was created in collaboration with Yiqing Zhou and Lauria Clarke.